Monday, June 2, 2008

4 Months Old!

Harper is four months old today! This month she has totally woken up and realized that there is so much to see and touch and taste. It's so fun to watch her discover her surroundings and explore. This month she gave us her first giggle. She's started grabbing everything she can reach. We just can't get enough of her.
She went to her first wedding (Congratulations Andrea & Justin) and is becoming much more interested in her pals. She coos up a storm and loves to tell stories. She can pull herself up as she tries to sit up but inevitably falls to one side.
It's warming up nicely and we're starting to get into summer mode. Harper and I are trying to arrange a trip to Chicago but may have to wait until September to ensure we see everyone.  We are still house hunting and recently traded in my car and Will's truck for a Subaru...we needed more space and had to start thinking about AWD for next winter. Will still loves his job and my work has started to pick up. I find myself going to work after Harper goes to bed and so far it's working out great. 
Here are some photos of Harper from the month of May as well as two more Harper videos. Enjoy!

I know my name

A Chat with Harper

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