Sunday, April 5, 2009

14 Months!

Harper is totally a toddler. She is exercising her opinion and pushing her limits. She's practicing her words all the time. She says Bella, toe, more, dog, woah joe (from our music class) and we've gotten her to say a few more things one or two times but she's getting more vocal everyday. She has amazed me this month with her coordination. She can now stack all the pieces onto her stacking ring and she can unzip her doll's dress and puts items in her little purses very easily. It's amazing how one minute these things are a struggle and the next she's an expert.
March was a very fun month. We had a mini-vacation with the Adams' at Loon Mountain. We stayed a couple nights and explored the ski mountain and tried some arts and crafts with the kiddos. Harper and Theo are enjoying each other more each visit. We can't wait for the next time! We had a nice visit and dinner with the Houston's. Harper loves Farley (their dog) almost as much as she loves Emily (her cousin.) They had a great evening together.
The McClellands made a trip to Lebanon to check out our bouncy house activity. Alex had a blast and it was such a nice day we made a trip to the park afterwards. I got trapped in a spinning seat made for 5 year olds and Dana had to rescue me. It wasn't embarassing at all. Harper loved the slide! She's definitely a climber. This month Harper started giving us the biggest grin ever, it's our new favorite thing. She can also strum her lips which she loves. And she's finally warming up to drinking milk.
In other news Will and I made an offer on a house and it was accepted. There still a lot that needs to happen before things are finalized but we look forward to being settled. Will is also starting a new part-time job. I'll share more on that later when I know more.
Here are some of our favorite photos from this month:

At Loon Mountain. If you didn't know better you'd think there were ski's on our feet.

That's the grin!

My daughter is better dressed than me...

big smiles

so fashionable!

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