Sunday, August 16, 2009

18 Months

Oh boy is this post late. With summer finally arriving with the month of August and our annual trip to Chicago all happening on Harper's 18 month milestone I found myself falling farther and farther behind with the post.
We have had the rainiest summer I can remember so we've been making good use of the dry days we have. Harper enjoyed her first Fireworks and she made all the appropriate oohs and aahhhs along with me.
July also brought a visit with Theo and his parents. The older they get the more fun it is to watch them play together. There was even some grape sharing.
Steph & I took Harper to a Junkman music fest in Woodstock. She seemed to enjoy herself and met up with another pal from playgroup.
In the most exciting news this month Kyler turned one. But she's already been walking since last month so she's an old pro now and it's so fun to watch her and Harper run around together. The entire dynamic of their relationship has changed now and they are on a much more even playing field. Harper still tries to smother her with hugs and kisses but now she can run away if she's had enough. But most of the time she hugs her back. They are adorable.
This month Harper learned to take bag clips off which has required some cupboard reorganization. But I still keep her snacks pretty low and if I'm trying to get something done in the kitchen I'll often turn around and she'll be gone. My first place to check is the bottom of the stairs where she sits with her newly found bag of snacks and helps herself.
We also learned this summer that she hates to get her feet dirty. My dad built her a sandbox but she prefers to play from the perimeter rather than diving right in. I can't say I blame her but it is funny at the beach. I ended up buying her water shoes to keep those toes as clean as possible.
Most of July was spent unpacking and trying to organize the new house. It's been fun and stressful at the same time but it feels more like home everyday. Now we just need some paint on the walls and a few final boxes unpacked. Come visit soon and weigh in on paint colors!

Pass the grapes please.

Daddy's girl

Making music with fun!

High Five!

See all of July's photos here:

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