I am proud to announce that I managed a solo trip to Boston with both girls all in one day. We got to meet the baby Mason and have a much needed visit with Morgan and Courtney. The trip was a huge success and so fun, I'm hoping to make it a more regular occurrence.
Paisley treated us to her first smiles and they are totally infectio
Harper is becoming such a little lady. She now asks for privacy when she goes to the bathroom (#2) and is determined to help with anything and everything. We've done a lot of cooking and baking lately which she loves and "projects" of any kind get her very excited. After the fun of Halloween I cannot wait to experience this Christmas with her. It's going to be amazing.
The novelty of Paisley has not yet been lost on Harper. She still asks to hold her, helps with diapers and returns a lost bink to P's mouth when necessary. My goal this month is to go out on a couple of Mommy/Harper solo outings. I think it's important and no one is as afraid of being alone with Paisley like they were when Harper was her age. I'm looking forward to some spa treatments this week that would have been a major challenge with H. Paisley is still a very relaxed and easy going baby.
Paisley had her 2 month check up. She's growing so well! 10 lbs 12 oz and 23" long. She also had her first vaccinations which left her a little out of sorts but she's mending quickly.
We enjoyed Thanksgiving. Will traveled to West Virginia for his annual hunting trip and Nancy & David were visiting my parents so I was on my own with the girls for a couple days. We all survived but I was happy when we went to my parents house for some extra hands. I have a much better appreciation for my single mom friends now. They are AMAZING!
We have so much to be thankful this holiday season.
Princess P in her favorite chair
Harper reading a book
Me and my girls
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